Outside Magazines Urban Adventure Denver Boulder
From the editors of the original active lifestyle magazine, the first where-to guide to outdoor adventure in one of America's greatest metro areas.
Denver, with its little brother Boulder, is the mecca of the young, hyperactive, multisport American urbanite. This unique guide to their world proves the point: the options for mountain biking, climbing, hiking, mountaineering, fly fishing, whitewater kayaking, ice climbing, paragliding, backcountry skiing, snowshoeing, and more seem blissfully endless—and all within (or a half day's drive from) the city limits. Each chapter covers a favorite adventure sport or activity, including top metro destinations along with brief profiles of the best gear outlets and extreme envelope-pushers to…
September 24, 2002PETER HELLER is the best-selling author of The Guide, The River, Celine, The Painter, and The Dog Stars, which has been published in twenty-two languages. Heller is also the author of four nonfiction books, including Kook: What Surfing Taught Me About Love, Life, and Catching the Perfect Wave, which was awarded the National Outdoor Book Award. He holds an MFA in poetry and fiction from the Iowa Writers' Workshop and lives in Denver, Colorado.