Me and the Blondes

Book One Of The Series

Author  Teresa Toten
Me and the Blondes

“How did your poor husband pass away?”
Make it simple, Mama, I tried to bore into her, simple, simple…
“His brains exploded.”
 I heard a gasp. It was me.
“An aneurysm?”
“Okay,” said Mama.
 “I’m sorry, hon,” said Mrs. Haver. “At least it was fast.”
 “It vas?” Mama looked puzzled. I nodded furiously at her. “Ya. It vas. Yours?”
“Heart attack.”
“Oooo, dat’s good too.”
I could’ve killed her.

Sophie Kandinsky has spent the last six years trying to keep her crazy family life secret. The devil is in the details. The first detail is her larger-than-life, eccentric, Bulgarian mother. The slightly larger detail is the fact that her gentle, poet-father has been charged with murder. All Sophie wants…