Zeus Grants Stupid Wishes

A No-Bullshit Guide to World Mythology

Author  Cory O'Brien Illustrated by  Sarah E. Melville
Zeus Grants Stupid Wishes

From the creator of Myths Retold comes a hilarious collection of Greek, Norse, Chinese and even Sumerian myths retold in their purest, bawdiest forms!

All our lives, we’ve been fed watered-down, PC versions of the classic myths. In reality, mythology is more screwed up than a schizophrenic shaman doing hits of unidentified…wait, it all makes sense now. In Zeus Grants Stupid Wishes, Cory O’Brien, creator of Myths RETOLD!, sets the stories straight. These are rude, crude, totally sacred texts told the way they were meant to be told: loudly, and with lots of four-letter words.

Did you know?

• Cronus liked to eat babies.
• Narcissus probably should have just learned to masturbate.
• Odin got construction discounts with bestiality.
• Isis had bad taste in…