The Philosopher's Table
How to Start Your Philosophy Dinner Club - Monthly Conversation, Music, and Reci pes
"Talk doesn't cook rice." —Chinese Proverb
According to Socrates, knowledge is "food for the soul." That's all well and good for the Socratic but, according to Maslow, food for the stomach is a far more pressing matter.
But why can't you have your talk, and cook rice too? With The Philosopher's Table, Marietta McCarty shows you that you can. In this book, you will find all of the necessary ingredients to start a Philosophy Dinner Club, taking a monthly tour around the world with friends to sample hors d'oeuvres of succulent wisdom and fill your plate with food from each philosophers' home country. With recipes, theories, and insights both old and new—all peppered with McCarty's charming and informative prose—you and your friends…
August 29, 2013Teacher and educational consultant Marietta McCarty as been introducing philosophy to children, and guiding parents and educators in doing the same, for more than fifteen years. She has toured rural, suburban, and urban schools across the country, demonstrating her one-of-a-kind program. McCarty has a master's degree in philosophy from the University of Virginia and currently teaches philosophy at Mary Baldwin College in Staunton, Virginia, and Piedmont Virginia Community College in Charlottesville.