
From On Writing

Author  Jorge Luis Borges Introduction by  Suzanne Jill Levine Edited by  Suzanne Jill Levine

On Writing

Introduction by Suzanne Jill Levine
A Note on the Translations

I. Becoming a Man of Letters
• Ultra Manifesto
• On Expressionism
• After Images
• Joyce’s Ulysses
• The Ballad of Reading Gaol
II. Word Music
• Verbiage for Poems
• An Investigation of the Word
• The Art of Verbal Abuse
• On Literary Description
• On Metaphor
• Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass
III. On Translation
• Two Ways to Translate
• The Homeric Versions
IV. Reading as Writing
• A Profession of Literary Faith
• Literary Pleasure
• The Superstitious Ethics of the Reader
• The Paradox of Apollinaire
• Kafka and his Precursors
• Flaubert and his Exemplary Destiny
V. The Critic at Work
• Virginia Woolf
• T. S. Eliot 
• Paul Valéry 
• William Faulkner, Absalom, Absalom!
• Herman Mellville, Bartleby the Scrivener
• Henry James, The Abasement of the Northmores
• Marcel Schwob, Imaginary Lives
• H. G. Wells, The Time Machine; The, Invisible Man
• Julio Cortázar, Stories
VI. The Perfect Plot
• The Labyrinths of the Detective Story and Chesterton
• Ellery Queen, The Halfway House
• Adolfo Bioy Casares, The Invention of Morel
• Wilkie Collins, The Moonstone
• The Detective Story
VII. Narrative Art
• Stories from Turkestan
• The Cinematograph, the Biograph
• Narrative Art and Magic
• Preface to the 1954 edition of A Universal History of Infamy
• When Fiction Lives in Fiction

Copyright © 2010 by Jorge Luis Borges

Penguin Classics

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