Take Back Your Family

How to Raise Respectful and Loving Kids in a Dysfunctional World

Author  Rev. Run , Justine Simmons and Chris Morrow
Take Back Your Family

Stars of MTV's Run's House--dubbed "the new Cosby family"--celebrate family values in this inspiring guide to modern parenting

Despite being a hip-hop icon, an ordained minister, and a reality TV star, Rev Run's greatest accomplishment has been raising his six children--Angela, Vanessa, JoJo, Diggy, Russy and Miley--with his wife Justine. Their journey has been captured on Run's House, a show that celebrates--finally--a reality TV family that is functional instead of dysfunctional. In an age marked by shallow materialism and fragmented families, Rev Run and Justine have inspired millions of viewers by teaching old-fashioned family values applied with a hip-hop twist. In Take Back Your Family, Rev Run and Justine celebrate the role of parents and share their secrets…