The Physics of Nascar

The Science Behind the Speed

Author  Diandra Leslie-Pelecky
The Physics of Nascar

A physicist explores the science of speed racing and the #1 spectator sport in America in the perfect gift for both NASCAR and science fans. 

Every NASCAR fan—at one time or another—asks the same question: Why isn’t my favorite driver winning? This is your chance to discover how much more there is to NASCAR than “Go fast, turn left and don’t crash.” If you’ve ever wondered why racecars don’t have mufflers, how “bump drafting” works, or what in the world “Let’s go up a pound on the right rear and add half a round of wedge” means, The Physics of NASCAR is for you. 

In this fast-paced investigation into the adrenaline-pumping world of NASCAR, a physicist with a passion uncovers what happens when the rubber hits the road…

January 27, 2009
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