Diary of a Fairy Godmother

Author  Esme Raji Codell Read by  Rachael Lillis
Diary of a Fairy Godmother

Hunky Dory's mother always told her, “You'll be the wickedest witch wherever the four winds blow." And why not? She's at the top of her class in charm school. She can make flowers wilt like wet spaghetti. And she can turn any prince into a frog–but she always changes him back. That's when she knows she has a problem.
Hunky Dory's interest in wishcraft over witchcraft gets her kicked out of charm school. Now she's determined to follow her heart and become a fairy godmother. But how to go about doing it? She gives a woodsman a new mustache, and grants Wolf his strange wish for a grandmother costume. Finally, motivated by jealousy over her friend Rumpelstiltskin's crush on the girl…

June 14, 2005
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