Free Days With George
Learning Life's Little Lessons from One Very Big Dog
A heartwarming, true story about George, a rescue dog who helps his owner rediscover love and happiness. Marley & Me meets Tuesdays with Morrie and The Art of Racing in the Rain--get your tissues ready, animal lovers!
After Colin Campbell went on a short business trip abroad, he returned home to discover his wife of many years had moved out. No explanations. No second chances. She was gone and wasn’t coming back. Shocked and heartbroken, Colin fell into a spiral of depression and loneliness.
Soon after, a friend told Colin about a dog in need of rescue—a neglected 140-pound Newfoundland Landseer, a breed renowned for its friendly nature and remarkable swimming abilities. Colin adopted the traumatized dog, brought him home…
May 3, 2016Prior to becoming an Author, Colin Campbell enjoyed a 30 year career as a marketing executive in both the United States and Canada. He has held senior roles with MacLaren McCann, MKTG and the National Hockey League Players' Association. Over the years he has helped create and manage marketing and branded content programs for Nike, Kraft and General Motors, among others. Colin shares his insight and experience with "Free Days" with corporate audiences, and is active in fundraising to support dog adoption and animal welfare programs.