Dream Stalkers

The Shadow Watch Book Two

Author  Tim Waggoner Illustrated by  Amazing 15
Shadow Watch
Dream Stalkers

A new drug – Shut-Eye – has been developed in the dreamland, and smuggled into our world. It’s addictive, and dangerous, and Shadow Watch agents Audra and Mr Jinx are on the case, preparing new recruits to deal with the problem.

Meanwhile, a wave of ancient, bodiless Incubi are entering the dreams of humans in an attempt to possess them and live new lives. Only the criminally insane would ever risk a confrontation with them.

Thank goodness, then, for Mr Jinx: clown, Shadow Watch agent, psychopath.

File Under: Urban Fantasy

April 7, 2015
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Night Terrors

Night Terrors

Tim Waggoner, Amazing 15
Dream Stalkers

Dream Stalkers

Tim Waggoner, Amazing 15