In with the Old

Classic Decor from A to Z

Author  Jennifer Boles Foreword by  Alexa Hampton
In with the Old

The Peak of Chic blogger Jennifer Boles--who counts Newell Turner, Alexa Hampton, Stephen Drucker, and Veranda founder Lisa Newsom among her loyal readers--presents a charming encyclopedia of 100 of the most stylish decorating details (chintz, striped walls, and orangeries) that were favored by the great tastemakers of the twentieth century. Best of all, Jennifer gives helpful tips on decorating with these traditional flourishes today.

The 1930s to the 1960s were a grand time for decorating: they saw Chippendale chairs and grotto furniture, house stationery, monograms, tented rooms, and vanities--much of which has since been forgotten or taken for granted. In In with the Old Jennifer Boles breathes new life into gracious living with 100 entries organized from A to Z on…