Character Parts

Who's Really Who in CanLit

Author  Brian Busby
Character Parts

Ever wondered where novelists get the inspiration for their characters? Why the hero or villain of your favourite book seems oddly familiar?

Who inspired Mordecai Richler to create Bernard Gursky; Margaret Atwood to create Zenia in The Robber Bride? In which novel does Northrop Frye appear (as a character named Morton Hyland)? The answers can be found in Character Parts, Brian Busby’s irreverent yet authoritative guide to who’s really who in Canadian literature. The most original and entertaining reference book to be published in years, Character Parts is the behind-the-scenes look at CanLit we have all been waiting for.

Brian Busby settles the suspicions that arise when a fictional character reminds you of a real-life one, listing the sources for characters…