Charlie and the Angels

The Outlaws, the Hells Angels and the Sixty Years War

Author  Alex Caine
Charlie and the Angels

The Outlaws Motorcycle Club's story is told here for the first time in paperback, by the #1 national bestselling criminal underworld author and former infiltrator Alex Caine. They are the original biker gang, and their 60 years of war with the Hells Angels is the stuff of legend.

Right down to their signature logo (a skull known as "Charlie"), the McCook Outlaws Motorcycle Club, formed in 1935, defined the look and sensibility of the twentieth-century biker. In the 1950s, a rising gang of toughs in California threatened to steal their thunder. But, recognizing an opportunity for expansion, the Outlaws reached out. The nascent Hells Angels sent them home to Chicago, beaten, humiliated and forever bent on the Angels' destruction.

60 years and…