Horseshoes, Cowsocks & Duckfeet

More Commentary by NPR's Cowboy Poet & Former Large Animal Veterinarian

Author  Baxter Black
Horseshoes, Cowsocks & Duckfeet

The world’s bestselling cowboy poet and author of Cactus Tracks & Cowboy Philosophy is back in the saddle with a hilarious roundup of essays, commentaries, and campfire verse that speaks to the cowboy soul in each of us.

“Baxter Black is Mark Twain served up with a little Groucho Marx.”—The Weekly Standard

Share in the wit and wisdom of Baxter Black, public radio’s favorite former large animal veterinarian. Drawn in part from Baxter’s wildly popular NPR commentaries and syndicated columns, Horseshoes, Cowsocks & Duckfeet offers a generous helping of Baxter’s tender yet irreverent, sage-as-sagebrush take on everything from ranching, roping, Wrangler jeans, and rodeos to weddings and romance, the love of a good dog, dancing, parenting, cooking up trouble, and…