Power Up

A Physician's Plan for Renewing Your Energy and Feeling Ten Years Younger

Author  Woodson Merrell
Power Up

Along with Drs. Oz, Weil, and Northrup, Dr. Merrell is a towering figure in integrative medicine. Power Up shows us how to "power up" our minds, bodies and spirits with this clinically proven, revolutionary program.

Exhaustion is epidemic in our society. Dr. Woodson Merrell shows readers how to transform themselves from energy consumers into energy creators in just twenty-one days, using the six essentials of energy creation: Power Mind, Power Food, Power Exercise, Power Detox, Power of Connection (or Spirit), and Power Rest. The book employs daily menus and recipes developed expressly for Power Up, exercises, and helpful charts and sidebars to show readers how incredibly easy it is to stop feeling exhausted and start feeling wonderful.