William Kennedy

William Kennedy, author, screenwriter and playwright, was born and raised in Albany, New York. Kennedy brought his native city to literary life in many of his works. The Albany cycle, includes Legs, Billy Phelan's Greatest Game, and the Pulitzer Prize winning Ironweed.The versatile Kennedy wrote the screenplay for Ironweed, the play Grand View, and cowrote the screenplay for the The Cotton Club with Francis Ford Coppola. Kennedy also wrote the nonfiction O Albany! and Riding the Yellow Trolley Car. Some of the other works he is known for include Roscoe and Very Old Bones.

Kennedy is the founding director of the New York State Writers Institute and, in 1993, was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Letters.…

Chango's Beads and Two-Tone Shoes Roscoe


William Kennedy
The Flaming Corsage

The Flaming Corsage

William Kennedy
An Albany Trio

An Albany Trio

William Kennedy
Very Old Bones

Very Old Bones

William Kennedy
Quinn's Book

Quinn's Book

William Kennedy
O Albany!

O Albany!

William Kennedy


William Kennedy
Billy Phelan's Greatest Game Legs


William Kennedy

Series with William Kennedy

Author Contributions