Robert J. Randisi

Robert J. Randisi is the author of the Miles Jacoby, Nick Delvecchio, and Joe Keough mystery series. He has been nominated four times for the Shamus Award from the Private Eye Writers of America. In 1993 he was the recipient of a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Southwest Mystery/Suspense Convention. He is the editor of more than 25 print and audio anthologies, including the Deadly Allies, Lethal Ladies, For Crime Out Loud and First Cases series. His most recent anthologies are The Shamus Game (NAL, 2000) and Mystery Street (NAL, 2001), both PWA anthologies.

His most recent book, Blood on the Arch (St. Martin’s Press, 2000), a “Joe Keough” novel, will be published in paperback from Leisure Books this fall. The…