Vanessa Priya Daniel
Vanessa Priya Daniel has worked in social justice movements for twenty-five years as a labor and community organizer and funder. She founded and served for seventeen years as executive director of Groundswell Fund, a leading funder of women of color-led grassroots and electoral organizing. She is a recipient of the Smith College Medal, was featured by The Chronicle of Philanthropy as one of fifteen “Influencers” who are changing the non-profit world, and by Inside Philanthropy as one of the “Top 100 Most Powerful Players in Philanthropy.” Daniel has written for The New York Times and other publications.
Coming Soon
Unrig the Game by Vanessa Priya Daniel
A much-needed playbook to supporting and retaining women of color in leadership roles to create lasting change in the world— from a former labor and community organizer and founder of one of the nation’s premier funders of women of color-led organizations.