Eric Velasquez

The Real Lucky Charm

The Real Lucky Charm

Charisse Richardson; Illustrated by Eric Velasquez

Books by Eric Velasquez from Candlewick

The Polar Bear and the Ballerina

The Polar Bear and the Ballerina

Eric Velasquez and Eric Velasquez
El oso polar y la bailarina

El oso polar y la bailarina

Eric Velasquez and Eric Velasquez
Outspoken: Paul Robeson, Ahead of His Time

Outspoken: Paul Robeson, Ahead of His Time

Carole Boston Weatherford
Buscando a Bongo

Buscando a Bongo

Eric Velasquez and Eric Velasquez
Pulpo Guisado

Pulpo Guisado

Eric Velasquez
¡Mambo Mucho Mambo! The Dance That Crossed Color Lines ¡Mambo mucho mambo! El baile que atravesó la barrera del color Octopus Stew

Octopus Stew

Eric Velasquez
Schomburg: The Man Who Built a Library

Schomburg: The Man Who Built a Library

Carole Boston Weatherford
Schomburg: El hombre que creó una biblioteca

Books by Eric Velasquez from Holiday House

El oso polar y la bailarina

El oso polar y la bailarina

Eric Velasquez and Eric Velasquez
The Polar Bear and the Ballerina

The Polar Bear and the Ballerina

Eric Velasquez and Eric Velasquez
Buscando a Bongo

Buscando a Bongo

Eric Velasquez and Eric Velasquez
New Shoes

New Shoes

Susan Lynn Meyer and Susan Lynn Meyer