Nadia Finer

Nadia Finer knows what it’s like to struggle with shyness, but instead of hiding away at home watching Netflix with her fuzzy dog Bobby, she’s embarking on a softly spoken mission to help shy people be more mighty. Over the years, Nadia has done some pretty cool stuff… in her own quiet way; she has traveled the world and given talks in front of hundreds of people, she hosts her own podcast, she’s appeared on television and radio, she’s an ambassador for Girl Guiding, she’s become a published author, and even become a boxer! Nadia also runs the Mighty Mob—an online program to help shy kids build their bravery muscles, complete missions, and take the next steps in their journey…

Shy and Mighty

Shy and Mighty

Nadia Finer
Shy and Mighty

Shy and Mighty

Nadia Finer

Books by Nadia Finer from Hay House

Books by Nadia Finer from Watkins Media

Quiet Riot

Quiet Riot

Nadia Finer