Gary Russell

Gary Russell has written over 35 fiction and non-fiction books on subjects including Doctor Who, The Lord of the Rings movies, Frasier and The Simpsons. He was the editor of Doctor Who Magazine then later the Creative Producer at Big Finish Productions Ltd, responsible for over 200 hours of original audio drama. He spent 6 years as a Script Editor at BBC Wales, on Doctor Who, Torchwood, The Sarah Jane Adventures and Wizards vs Aliens plus a number of Doctor Who animation and game projects. He now works in at Planet 55 Studios in Australia as the Executive Producer of a new animated series, Prisoner Zero.

Doctor Who: The Demons Within Doctor Who: The Star Beast Doctor Who: The Star Beast (Target Collection) Doctor Who: The Lagoon Monsters Doctor Who: The TV Movie (Target Collection) Doctor Who: The TV Movie Torchwood: The Twilight Series Doctor Who: Tales from the TARDIS

Doctor Who: Tales from the TARDIS

Terrance Dicks, Philip Martin, Gary Russell; Read by Colin Baker, Jon Pertwee, Peter Davison, and Full Cast
Doctor Who: Scales of Injustice Doctor Who: Big Bang Generation

Series with Gary Russell

Books by Gary Russell from Titan