Sarah S. Brannen
Sarah S. Brannen ( is the award-winning illustrator of nearly twenty books for children. She is the author and illustrator of Madame Martine (Albert Whitman & Co.), Madame Martine Breaks the Rules (Whitman), and Uncle Bobby's Wedding (G. P. Putnam's Sons), which was the eighth most-challenged book in the US in 2008. Sarah also illustrated Feathers: Not Just For Flying, a Crystal Kite Award winner and an ALA notable book; At Home in Her Tomb, a Junior Library Guild selection; The Fox and the Grapes; The Pied Piper of Hamelin; The Very Beary Tooth Fairy; The Pig Scramble; The Ugly Duckling; The ABC Book of American Homes; Digging for Troy: From Homer to Hisarlik as well as several other books. She illustrated the 40th Anniversary edition of All Kinds of Families by Norma Simon. Sarah lives in Massachusetts. Follow her on Twitter @SarahBrannen…