More Chabon, More Munro, More Genre, Fewer Serial Killers

William Faulkner’s estate is suing Sony; they don’t like how the revered Southern author’s words sound in Owen Wilson’s mouth (as he utters them in 2011’s Midnight in Paris, anyhow).

If you’re still hankering for a li’l extra time with Diaz and Chabon, Mark Medley sat down to lunch with the pair o’ Pulitizer Prize winners. They talked about race, but things apparently got really heated when someone brought up the topic of genre fiction. Which has been showing up in the New Yorker, every now and then. And which you should read, according to Michael Robbins, so long as it brings you pleasure.

These stories are perfect. Of course they are.

Now that some of the furor over Lena Dunham’s less than savory Hallowe’en joke about the Bernardo-Homolka murders has died down, I can’t recommend Vanessa Veselka’s astounding, horrifying account of America’s truck stop killer enough.