Hazlitt #2

Author  Hazlitt Staff
Hazlitt #2

The second print edition of the popular, award-winning, online publication -- a handsomely art-directed digest magazine that mixes art, photography and literature with pop culture, comix and reporting on the news of the day. Hazlitt #2 is a grim but playful take on the idea of a summer reading issue.
Featuring Heather O'Neill, Tao Lin, Lorrie Moore, Daniel Galera, Owen Pallett, Richard Maxwell, Mary Jo Bang and many more. 
What’s inside:
·       Heather O’Neill sets her house on fire
·       Tao Lin on your body as vessel or spaceship
·       The Black Notes of Owen Pallett
·       Franz Kafka's Josef K. is channeled through Justin Bieber
·       Nick Hune-Brown on the horrors of teenage embarrassment 
·       Ebola: Nature’s most perfect killing machine
·       Linda Besner on arts funding in…